We Asked Our Agents What They Thought of Our Service
Just before Christmas our nationwide agents took part in a survey to help us as a franchisor and network understand what our customers view as important when it comes to property signage.
The answers were a true testament to our professional network of franchisees, our excellent training programme and our proactive support structure.
The two stand-out questions were…
- Would they recommend us?
- And what score would they give our service out of 5?
The answers were great.
98% of our agents would recommend us. Fantastic validation that our network of Property Signage Experts continue to excel in their field.

When it came to service, again there was no disappointment. As a network we scored 4.7 out of a top score of 5. Our values as a business focus on quality and professionalism. We might not always be the cheapest, but we are reliable, thorough, precise, and the devil is most certainly in the detail.

We also asked other questions such as the importance of board stock management and speed of job completion. All which were rated highly. But what surprised us most was that professional service was rated as more important than price! In today’s economy, where many are perhaps willing to cut corners, the property sector certainly isn’t. Quality over price remains key.
The survey was the first that we have conducted to specifically focus on what our agents see as being most relevant to aid them in their own business activity of selling and letting properties. As such a vital part of their marketing process, the humble property board might seem a simple concept, but many would be surprised just how much goes into ensuring the product and installation reflect upon the agent and the property itself.
This may be the first survey we’ve conducted of this type, but continuous improvement has always played a large part in our ethos.
Last year in fact, we once again passed our ISO 9001:2015 certification with flying colours, achieving the highest pass mark possible. Annual ISO 9001:2015 audits mean that our practices as a business are scrutinised by an independent panel of specialists. There’s no bias and all findings are based on facts. The evaluation covers a number of key business areas, evaluating both how head office conducts training, operations, and internal communications; as well as how the individual franchisees perform in relation to their own customer service and communications.
If you would like to learn more about how to become a quality service provider as a Countrywide Signs franchisee, get in touch direct or schedule a call with Adam Davison, our franchise recruitment specialist.